New puppy, birthday girl, and my shocking green thumb

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It has been a busy few weeks!  I have had quite the workload to keep me busy over at the shop, and it was eventful for the whole family as well.  We are complete gluttons for punishment and decided to add another member to the family....isn't she just the cutest ball of fur ever?!  The girls took a couple of days to name her, but finally narrowed it down.  So, say hello to Izzy!  She keeps us on our toes (along with trying to chew them off), but she has been a fun addition to the non-stop chaos around this house.

The day we brought her home:

And today, she's grown so much in the last  4 weeks!!

We also had an early weekend celebration for my youngest daughter's 6th birthday.  She's our little spitfire, but as sweet as honey when she wants to be.  We love her so much, and it's wonderful to watch her grow into such a smart and beautiful little girl (even when she tries my patience on a daily and sometimes hourly basis)!  So, Happy Birthday to my little cuddle-bug!

                                 1 yr old                                       to                                6 yrs old

Who knew I could grow something and actually keep it alive long enough to produce such fabulous veggies! Trust me, if you knew me, you would completely understand why I say that...I have killed just about every single plant that I've ever had within a month of bringing it home...You could say I have a bit of a black thumb haha.  Shockingly, our garden has taken off and soon we will have gobs and gobs of cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, and tomatoes.  I can't wait to fill our pantry with jars of pickles, salsa, tomato sauces, and more! And I also filled a couple of planters with some yummy herbs that have all done extremely well, so I think I deserve a pat on the back for keeping them all alive ;o)

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