On a mission to be a better blogger!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I used to love to write, and I swear I mean to keep up with blogging...but somehow I always manage to get bogged down in day-to-day life.  My ultimate goal is to be able to actually sit down 3-4 nights every week and just rattle on about my latest ideas, hobbies, up-cycling adventures, recipes, and whatever new crazy drama my kids have gotten themselves into. I love being able to get my thoughts on "paper," and it's an extra bonus to be able to share my latest finds and plans with all of you! 

So, a few things in this first post:

       #1:  I have a new fabric chart for my packaging line, so yay for that!!

#2:  I have become an up-cycling junkie! Here's my latest project for my daughter, and I plan to have a longer post dedicated to that little adventure soon.

#3:  And summer is in full swing around here!  We've been making it a point to have some fun checking out a bit of the local tourism available.  It's nice to see all the awesome places that you can find in your own backyard!

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